Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How To: Heatless Boho Natural Waves

SO I have really long hair (almost to my butt), so I am always trying to do my hair in cute ways that it looks "done" without heat. I have a rule where I do not use heat on my hair more than once per week. I have beautiful, silky, nourished ends, which is very, VERY hard with such long hair!

I also like to add some texture to my hair every once in a while. My natural hair texture is long loose waves, but sometimes, I just want it it look really full. I have a lot of hair, but it is very fine. Also, because my hair is so long, it is heavy and tends to just lay flat on my head.

Anyway, I really love that natural kind of kinky texture. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with it and would make my mom braid my hair into little braids every time I washed my hair. When I took my braids out in the morning, I would have super kinky, big hair. That was a cute look in the '90s when I was a kid (it looked like I took a crimper to my hair and just went NUTS), but this is 2014 and as a 27-year-old young professional, I need a more "mature" version of this style if I am going to keep rockin' it.

So I tried just doing regular braids that were larger versions of the ones I would do as a kid, but the texture wasn't right. It still looked too crimp-y. So then I tried rope braids and voila! It gives a texture that's more of a wave rather than a crimp and because you have to twist the hair to make a rope braid, I got some nice spiral texture, too.

In the photos below, I divided my hair into four sections and rope braided each section. I did not twist or wrap my hair super tight to try to keep the waves from being too tight. However, if the photos below is too much texture for you, just divide your hair into less sections or just do one large rope braid.

I have also included a video below which shows you how to do a rope braid if you do not know how to do one already. This video is how I learned to do it and she also has a ton of other great tutorials for all kinds of different braids and hairstyles.

1. Divide slightly damp hair into desired number of sections and rope braid each section. The more sections you have, the tights your waves will be. So if you want looser waves, divide your hair into less sections or do just one large rope braid. Again, I did 4 sections. Now go to sleep and let your braids work their magic while you slumber! (Please forgive my eyebrows - they are due for a waxing!)
Tip: You may want to add a little bit of frizz serum to your hair before braiding. I use the one by Paul Mitchell.

A close-up of the rope braids

2. In the morning, take out your braids. Gently run your fingers through your hair to separate it - it will still be twisted. I say gently because otherwise you will end up with a frizzy rats nest.
Tip: If hair is still a little damp, blow dry the braids BEFORE taking out the braids. Blow dry on high heat and low fan speed.

Look at the wonderful texture! Such a nice, easy change every now and then from the super sleek Chi straightened look. And it gives your hair a nice break from the high heat!

Also looks great in a cute pony. . .

Style it and makes a great down-do that translates well for a casual, but done office look

One more shot of the texture!


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